學程特色 / Program Feature

l   學程特色

        國際生大一博雅教育學士班 (Freshman Liberal Education Program For International Students 簡稱FLEP)







l   學程目標


            (1) 語言力:


            (3) 文化能動力:


            (4) 專業探索力:


            (5) 生活適應力:
                      此外, 亦安排臺灣學生,擔任「學習夥伴」協助外籍新生融入臺灣生活環境。

    l   課程特色

        FLEP課程由跨領域教師合授, 含括學科華語、全球英文、在地文化、科技應用學習與跨領域探索等課程。





Freshman Liberal Education Program (FLEP) is a specially designed program for international students who are interested to develop Mandarin Chinese and English language skills, and competencies along with intercultural communication skills, cross-cultural adaptabilities, and learning readiness in Taiwan. In the first year, international students will be complete 42 course credits and also, acquire TOCFL A2 certification. (In the second year, students will be able to choose the department of their interest). In the second year, students will be streamlined into different departments. The main highlights of our department are as follows:

  • Multicultural adjustment and fusion
  • International language learning and communication
  • Information integration and compatibility
  • Innovation thinking and solving ability

The key purpose of this program is to help international students gain “five competencies” so that they can effectively and successfully pursue education in Taiwan. 
These “five competencies” are Language ability, Learning ability, Adaption of life, Cultural Mobility, and Professional inquiry ability.

1. Language ability

     language and communication skills are essential elements of global mobility and serve as the fundamental tools for education. This program offers intensive Chinese and issues-oriented English courses. In addition to the training of listening, speaking, reading, and writing about daily  conversation, it also combines the subject from multiple fields. This potentially helps international students with the required language abilities enabling them to enter their desired program/department in the university.

2. Learning ability

    The course follows the learning model, “learning by doing”

3. Cultural Mobility

    Cultural mobility can be enhanced internally and externally. Making good use of the abundant resources on campus to create a multicultural learning environment determines internal cultural mobility. Creation of open learning space to connect the social community to learn different cultures exhibits external initiative for generating mobility. These activities enable FLEP students to cultivate their self-awareness, realizing others, and an overall sense of inclusion. In addition, active participation in these activities will help students to build and enhance their inter-culture communication skills, cultural adaptation abilities, and hence, cultural mobility.

4. Professional inquiry ability

   Students' professional inquiry ability can be enhanced with the help of interdisciplinary resources of the University and offering a cross-discpline learning and exploration program. Hold professional exploration program on a regular basis to familiarize students with campus, university culture, and educational environment by joining interdisciplinary courses. Moreover, understanding the expertise of each department and explore their professional interests.

5. Adaption of life

   There will be a life mentor who will offer life advisory and learning guidance. “The office of overseas student advisers”, a division of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, offers consulting services related to students’ education and life in Taiwan. In addition, we will pair each fresh international student with a Taiwanese student to assist them with life in Taiwan.